I also started working on a pet project of mine making old school toe straps. Im not sure if the latigo im using is strong/unstretchable enough and might have to find a better leather. Anyone know what kind of leather toe straps are made of? lookin pretty though.
See? this is what happens when I start a blog. I never update it. The last few weeks have been getting progressivly warmer, and true to my hopes people have been coming out for rides. There was a big ol' tofixd meet an greet with some nasty hills up to st clair and some crazy spinning back down. My bmx pedal experiment is a flop, my feet are not secure enough. That being said, with my slightly lower than normal gear ratio, I unclipped on the ride down and had to coast brakeless for what felt like a kilometer. So I put a brake back on.
The next week we went on a ride to a viaduct up north and dicked around. Everybody got awesome shots but me. I dont own a camera lol. Go see whats up on tedpowerisyourboss.blogspot.com
In other news, I'm buying a 24" bmx cruiser. The minimal amount of air and fun shit to ride off really made me hungry for some jumps. Not to mention not wincing every time I drop two feet expecting my bike to break into four or five pieces. I'm gonna run a suicide hub on it dont you worry. Actually, start worrying. Did you hear that? I think its the hater train coming around the bend!
Sometime when I inventory my bag, I feel like a wannabe bike mechanic/survivalist with all the crap I keep in it. I mean, seriously? I know people who dont carry a single tool. I scoff at such foolishness, but do I need all this? At all times? Here's the list, from left to right.
Well, at least I left the crank puller and chain tool out of it.
My wife finally got a bike the other day, A giant simple. Which to my surprise, is put together much better than I thought it would be. I t has 3 piece cranks instead of ashtabula and a nice shimano coaster brake. Its really nice to go out for rides togeter and im excited for more dates together.
Katy is my wife btw. HI KATY! IM RIGHT BEHIND YOU.
Ive been rideing brakeless for a long time now, and I forgot how easy it is. This is probably why my calves look like watermelons. Anyhow, I put a brake on for polo this sunday because I was running a freewheel. That being said I DEFENITELY reccomend a brake for polo, fixed or free. When you see someone heading to your goal with the ball you dont want to go it slow just so you dont skid/ghost ride into the wall.
I was bruised and drunk after polo this sunday so I didnt take off my polo wheelset and switch it ovet to my commuter wheelset till the morning. Groggy and hung over, of course I didnt bother taking off the bar end plug and grip to take the brake off as well. OH MY GOD. What sheer luxury to be able to slow down without tearing my calves apart in the a.m .
I finally made the leap to chop-n-flop bullhorns today. I had a pair laying around the a I made for a friend that he recently gave me back and some eai cloth tape that I felt really horrible about using on polo mallets (comfy!) so I wrapped them up and stuck 'em on. My first experience on fixed gear was on TT bullhorns which are much longer and had bar end brake levers. Beind my first fixed gear experience, I was really relying on the brake and beinf that far forward on oversized bars with thick "cork" tape hurt the fuck out of my wrists and hands. Well I'm glad to say the cnf bullhorns are right on. not to wide, not to thick, and not to long. I do think I want some real ones from urbane though. I kinda want to run a front brake. Im WAYYY to fuckin fast on these.
I was going to get some pedals today when my front got stuck in a crack in the road and I flipped the bike and landed on my face. I broke my glasses and cut my face above my eyebrow and the side of my eyelid. I locked the bike up and went and washed up/ put n a bandage at starbucks. Then I went next door and got some superglue and fixed my glasses. Then I went to hogtown and bought the pedals I went out for and then went to urbane and got my front wheel trued (it's fucked up). Then I rode home in the rain. No polo. No big ride today. Mreh.
So as you can see, my polo bike is finally up and running. Not running well, but running. Can't wait to get this ugly bastard out for a game.
P.s. Heres a snippet of a conversation with a coworker about bike polo:
Me: Basically you ride around in circles, trying to hit a tiny ball with a stick.
Her: And this is fun?
Winter has been kicking my ass this year. I've been sick for about 60% percent of it, and I dont have anything resembling cold weather cycling clothes or even fenders. This combined with the fact that my boss so generously decided to give me free metropasses for 5 months of winter means I have not been on the bike near as much as I'd like too. Also, I'm dirt poor and dont have money for tires that arent slicks (shutup tom). But change is in the wind, spring is coming and it's time to start commuting in a way that won't make me want to kill everyone in half an hour. So, you may be wondering, what do you do if you can't ride and want to badly? OBSESS OF COURSE. In the last month ive tried about six handlebar/stem combos trying to find the perfect fit and I landed right back where I started at short riser stem and chopped riser bars. I still want a new stem as my current was a crap metal no name that came with the bike. Bmx for sex please.
I'n other news, my polo bike is "almost" complete. I'm getting a new wheel this week thats going on my commuter, and the polo is getting the hand me downs. I dont know how this happened, but it has got to be the ugliest bike ive ever seen. It will work, acceptably, for a polo bike a least. It needs a new BB, new cranks, new headset, etc. etc. I happen to know next to nothing about headsets and BB's so im in for a fun time fixin this up. There goes all my pride in myself for learning how to repair/dismantle/rebuild my bike.
So maybe this is old hat, and im just the last guy on the boat, but has anyone heard of these? TUFO Tubular-Clincher tires. From what I can garner, They have all the benefits of a tubular (super high psi, hard as a rock, no pinch flats) without having the drawbacks of having to glue them down and whatnot. Did I mention 175psi!!? Biketiresdirect.com has them, some as low as $42.95, here.